Sixty5 Cylinderkit YZ450F 14-17

kr 5,170.00
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Sixty5 Motoparts cylinder kit is a replacement kit for the cylinder and piston of a Yamaha YZ450F motorcycle model years 2014-2017. The kit includes a cylinder, a piston, and a complete gasket kit, which would include all of the necessary gaskets and seals needed to install the cylinder and piston.

Installing a new cylinder and piston can be a significant repair or upgrade for a motorcycle, and it is typically recommended for experienced mechanics or those who are comfortable with working on their own motorcycle. The process can involve disassembling the engine and removing the old cylinder and piston, and then installing the new ones. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and use the proper tools to avoid damaging the engine or causing injury.

It is worth noting that installing a new cylinder and piston can have an impact on the performance of the motorcycle. A larger or higher-performance cylinder and piston may allow the engine to produce more power, but it can also increase the risk of engine damage if not installed and used properly. It is important to consider the intended use of the motorcycle and choose a cylinder and piston kit that is suitable for that purpose.

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