Polished Stainless Rotors for Big Twins

It never ceases to amaze us here at EBC that solid or non floating rotors are still being fitted to modern motorcycles for cost savings reasons when there is such a ready technology with the polished stainless floating rotor for Big Twins at hand to replace them.

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Polished Stainless Rotors

Designet fra grunnen av for å prestere.

Tilpassede polerte bremseskiver for amerikanske motorsykler.

Den nye EBC-serien av bremseskiver med høy glans, bremserotorringer/blader i rustfritt stål og et nav i polert rustfritt stål.

Nyere enheter har den konturerte profilen og den slissede rotorprofilen som vist på motsatt side, noe som i stor grad forbedrer kloss-slitasje og reduserer skiveskader.

Grunnen til at vi har valgt senternav i rustfritt stål er på grunn av vekten og den tunge egenskapen til større amerikanske motorsykler som ofte bruker tvillingsylinderteknologi som kan føre til mer vibrasjoner eller rammebevegelser.

Ta kontakt for et godt tilbud til din motorsykkel! salg@motoparts.no

Complete range of rotors…

EBC produce a complete range of floating rotors for modern big twins and some tasty floating rotor conversions for solid units that will improve your brakes and offset the chance of vibration.

Rotors are all made in the UK using stainless steel usually with polished stainless steel centre hubs and are assembled using the unique EBC SD System square drive button technology. EBC front floating rotors feature 5 or 9 button designs whereas rear rotors can include up to 12 drive buttons to provide a sturdy looking and robust unit worthy of its heavy duty application.

Always use new pads when replacing rotors, the use of old or worn pads can cause hot spots or glazing of the rotor and will promote brake fade and loss of brake.

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Polished Stainless Rotors
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It never ceases to amaze us here at EBC that solid or non floating rotors are still being fitted to modern motorcycles for cost savings reasons when there is such a ready technology with the polished stainless...
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